18 May 2015

Now, an app to censor your books!

Don't like profanity in your books? Let 'Clean Reader' make it easy for you! This new app is developed by Jared and Kirsten Maughan from Idaho, United States, who were concerned about their daughter when she began reading library books with significant curse words. This led to creating a 'profanity-filtering' programme, reports The Washington Post.

Users of the app can choose from three settings, 'Clean', 'Cleaner', and 'Squeaky Clean'. The app obscures the F-word, the S-word and all their permutations along with racial slurs and other racy terms, coming to a total of more than 100 words. And it's an ever-growing list!

The app is available on Apple store and Google Play store for free.

In its online demonstration, a line from a David Baldacci novel, "Pick up your damn game, Bobby", becomes "Pick up your darn game, Bobby".

The creators of Clean Reader explain, “If there are books you’ve put off reading because you’ve heard they’re full of curse words, chosen to stop reading some books because you weren’t comfortable with the bad language in them, or if you worry about what’s in the books your children read … then Clean Reader is for you!”

Source | Daily News Analysis | 18 March 2015